Becoming Net Zero

Net zero emissions aim to achieve a balance between human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and removals within a specific time period, as defined by the IPCC, to mitigate climate change effectively.

The global goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 is crucial to address the urgent need for collective action in combating climate change on a global scale.

Corporations hold significant potential in contributing to the achievement of the 1.5°C global warming limit, highlighting the importance of their active involvement and sustainable practices.

Taking critical steps in the fight against climate change can include commitments such as transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2035 or reducing emissions by 50% by 2030, demonstrating a strong dedication to sustainable practices and environmental responsibility.

The 3 Scopes

Working on the three scopes of the GHG Protocol can contribute to achieving net zero emissions by addressing emissions across the entire value chain. Here is how each scope plays a role:s

Scope 1

Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. By identifying and reducing emissions from on-site fuel combustion, transportation fleets, and industrial processes, organizations can significantly decrease their own carbon footprint.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam. Shifting to renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency can help minimize these emissions. This can be achieved by purchasing renewable certificates such as I-RECs.

Scope 3

Indirect emissions from the value chain. Collaborating with suppliers to reduce emissions, optimizing transportation logistics, and promoting sustainable practices among customers can effectively tackle these emissions.

How can Moendi help?

Service Partners

Our service partners with organizations globally, customizing solutions to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve sustainability goals, including net zero.

Sustainability Journey Support

We work collaboratively with companies at all stages of their sustainability journey, promoting decarbonization projects that prioritize sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and risk management.

Strategic Alliances

We have allied with multiple companies in Mexico to provide a more comprehensive service, including installation of on-site solar panels, energy efficiency services, detailed monitoring and data storage, and many others more.