

What is an I-REC?

- An International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC) serves as verifiable and traceable digital evidence that 1 megawatthour (MWh) of energy was generated from a renewable techology source and added to the grid.

- I-RECs are regulated by the I-REC Standard, a non-profit organization, they ensure transparent and credible issuance, transfer and verification of the certificates.

- An I-REC can be redeemed in the name of an end-user by a participant; it contains important information about the generation project, including the asset name, technology, location, and other details.

How is an I-REC useful?

- By purchasing I-RECs you are the sole owner of the renewable attributes associated with the energy of your certificate.

- Once I-RECs are redeemed in someone’s name, they are retired from circulation, providing evidence that the end-user has claimed the renewable benefits and preventing their reuse by others.

- I-RECs can be used to target Scope 2 emissions; these are indirect greenhouse gas emissions that result from the consumption of purchased electricity.

How can Moendi help with I-RECs?


We will help you to obtain the necessary amount of I-RECs according to your elecricity consumption, in order to claim the consumption as renewable and comply with sustainability objectives.


We offer global support to market participants, assisting them in buying or selling certificates at competitive prices.


We provide tailor-made solutions to maximize the value of renewable energy generation, support with the registration process, compliance to begin producing I-RECs, assistance in the administration and commercialization of the certificates.

EKOenergy Label

EKOenergy is an internationally recognized ecolabel for renewable energy, enhancing the positive impact of using I-RECs.

As an authorized EKOenergy seller, Moendi can apply this label to suitable I-RECs.

The label is endorsed by standards such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and organizations like CDP and RE100.


What is a CEL?

- A CEL stands for Certificado de Energía Limpia (Clean Energy Certificate), and these are Mexican certificates issued by the CRE (Regulatory Energy Commission).

- CELs were created as part of the energy reform efforts to promote the generation and use of clean energy sources. They serve as evidence that 1 megawatthour (MWh) of energy was generated from a clean or renewable techology source and added to the grid.

How is a CEL useful?

- In the MEM (Mexican Wholesale Electricity Market), all Qualified Users are required to meet a specific clean energy threshold for their electricity consumption annually.

- As mandated by Mexico's Ministry of Energy (SENER), the current requirement stands at 13.90%. This means that all users must obtain Clean Energy Certificates (CELs) equivalent to this percentage based on their electricity consumption.

- It is the responsibility of their Qualified Supplier to procure the necessary CELs on their behalf.

What is the difference between CELs and I-RECs?

- CELs are an obligation for Mexican users, while I-RECs are voluntary according to the user’s sustainability goals.

- CELs can be produced by clean energy sources, whereas I-RECs can only be produced by renewable energy sources.

- CELs, unlike I-RECs, do not include specific details regarding the technology, project, location, and other relevant information from which they were generated.

- Due to the lack of traceability, CELs are not accepted by leading international reporting frameworks, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP), CDP, and RE100.


Other EACs and Commodities

Our specialized trading desk will help you to obtain other EACs or commodities that you may require, such as:

- Guarantees of Origin (GOs)

- Tradeable Instrument for Global Renewables (TIGRs)

- Carbon Credits