What is the MEM?

Mexican Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM)

  • Started operating in 2016, after the electric reform. It was created with the intention to bring competitiveness to a sector where only CFE had been able to provide the supply service to users.
  • CENACE (National Center for Energy Control) operates the MEM, enabling participants to actively engage in buying and selling electric energy. Additionally, participants can trade other essential products necessary for efficient operation of the electricity system, ensuring a robust and reliable energy market.
  • In line with promoting competition, the MEM plays a key role in driving the integration of renewable energy sources into Mexico's electricity generation mix.
  • Since its inception, the MEM has experienced significant growth, with a constantly increasing number of participants. Presently, over 870 companies from across the country are being supplied in the MEM, benefiting from a broader range of options for their energy supply needs.


How and why to migrate to the MEM?

As a user with a contracted demand of at least 1 MW with CFE, it is possible to begin the process with the authorities to migrate to the market as a Qualified User and start getting supplied by a Qualified Supplier to obtain great benefits, including:

Savings compared to CFE SSB’s rate

Renewable energy

Personalized assistance

Detailed consumption information

How can Moendi help?

- We will launch an RFP (request for proposal) inviting the top Qualified Suppliers of the country.

- The requirements asked to the participants will be completely custom-made based on your necessities, including preferred term, currency, sustainability goals, and most importantly, risk tolerance.

- After selecting a winner, we will work on the entire process required with the authorities until the migration process is completed.


Are there risks?

While the MEM is a fantastic opportunity for companies to save on energy expenses, it can also be considerably risky when not understanding properly the service that you are receiving.


We will make sure that everything is completely clear before signing an agreement with another supplier, guaranteeing that there will be no surprise charges to the User under any circumstances.