Crafting Global Sustainability: Your Bridge to Renewable Energy Solutions.

With a Mexican heart and a global footprint, we navigate companies towards sustainable energy choices. Discover the balance between progress and responsibility with our strategic renewable energy partnerships


I-RECs, CELs, and more

Renewable Certificates

Claim your energy consumption as 100% renewable

Worldwide participation in the I-RECs and other EACs market.

  • I-RECs are recognzied by leading international reporting frameworks, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP), CDP, and RE100.
  • With I-RECs, it is possible to report the energy consumption as 100% renewable to relevant stakeholders.
  • By purchasing I-RECs you, are the sole owner of the renewable attributes associated with the energy of your certificate.

Find the best solution for your company’s electricity consumption or maximize the value of your renewable generation project.

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Quote Certificates

Moendi, as a worldwide participant for different EAC markets, ensures that the certificates are redeemed in the name of your company or transferred to your account according to your needs.




MEM Qualified Supply Consulting

What is the MEM?

Mexican Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) enables participants to actively engage in buying and selling electric energy.

Migration to the MEM

As a user with a contracted demand of at least 1 MW with CFE, it is possible to begin the process to migrate as a Qualified User

MEM benefits

Savings compared to CFE SSB’s rate, use of renewable energy, detailed consumption information, among others

How can Moendi help?

We will launch an RFP (request for proposal) to the top Qualified Suppliers of the country, which will be custom-made based on your necessities, including preferred term, currency, sustainability goals, and risk tolerance.

After selecting a winner, we will work on the entire process required with the authorities until the migration process is completed.

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Sustainability Consulting

Becoming net zero

Taking critical steps in the fight against climate change can include commitments such as transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2035 or reducing emissions by 50% by 2030

Applying the GHG Protocol

Measure, reduce, and offset emissions across operations, energy, and value chain to achieve carbon neutrality.

Transforming corporations

Corporations hold significant potential in contributing to the achievement of the 1.5°C global warming limit, highlighting the importance of their active involvement and sustainable practices

Elevating Renewable Energy Solutions for Companies of any Size.

GWh and counting of renewable energy EACs transacted worldwide

Assets and counting allied who help with the global renewable energy transition

Clients and counting who have reached their renewable energy goals

Countries and counting where we have worked on EAC transactions



Global Presence


Interactive World Map


Contact Us


+52 1 55 1069 2280